All We'll Ever Need

I can see the love in your eyes,
And hear it in your voice,
But when your mind seeks to analyze,
You never make my choice.
I know I’m not the cutest guy,
And I can’t set you up for life,
But know I’ll never leave your side,
And ever love you as my wife.
I’m all you’ll ever need.
I’m all you’ll ever need.
For a future full of passion,
Secured by God’s decree,
I’m all you’ll ever need.
This world will tout confusing things
In its quest for glitz and zeal,

Forgetting what simple happiness brings,
And a peace that’s truly real.
I may never sail you across the seas,
Or wrap you with silks and jewels.
But I promise a heart that will ever please,
And a love that never cools.
You’re all I’ll ever need.
You’re all I’ll ever need.
For a lifetime full of wonder,
Secured by God’s decree,
You’re all I’ll ever need.
It’s true, I can not save you from troubles every day.
I doubt I could ever make that stand.
But if you’ll bind your heart to me, I know we’ll find a way
To make it through each challenge, hand in hand!
We’re all we’ll ever need.
We’re all we’ll ever need.
For a future full of passion,
Secured by God’s decree,
We’re all we’ll ever need. Yeah!
We’re all we’ll ever need.
-- Copyright March 2014, Kirby Lee Davis