Baptism (Going Home)

At last it’s here,
That day so dear.
I pledge my heart to You!
My lifelong goal:
To join my soul
With those who worship You!
I’m going home!
No more to roam!
I give myself to You!
My path is clear,
Draws ever near.
I’m going home to You!
I’ll learn your ways,
Devote my days
To ever serving You,
And stop those things
With sinful strings,
Keeping my eyes on You!
I’m going home!
No more to roam!
I give myself to You, Jesus!
My path is clear,
Draws ever near.
I’m going home to You!
I’m going home!
No more to roam!
I give myself to You, Jesus!
My path is clear,
Draws ever near.
I’m going home to You!
When troubles come,
I’ll face those drums
With my faith in You!
And should I fall,
My heart won’t stall!
I know I’m saved in You!
I’m going home!
No more to roam!
I give myself to You, Jesus!
My path is clear,
Draws ever near.
I’m going home to You!
I’m going home!
I’m going home!
I’m going home to You, Jesus!
I’m going home!
I’m going home!
I’m going home to You!
— Words and music copyright August 2018, Kirby Lee Davis