She stumbles past the cold black door,
Stunned by words she can't ignore.
To think her friends could accuse her so
Hurts much more than their bitter blow.
If this is what comes from the ones she trusts,
How long will it take before her whole world goes bust?
Yet in her heart, over the cries of her youth,
She hears the soft whisper of a calming truth.
Be still, and know, I am God.
Be still, and know, I am God!
For I have plans for you in your walk through life,
Disciplines to learn, some hardships and strife,
But what seems to you a merciless pain
Will bring lessons to share and wisdom to gain!
So be still, and know, I am God.
Be still, and know, I am God!
She walks by a man, his soul emptied by fear,
Having lost all he loved to a footloose brassiere.
He can't blame his wife for saying goodbye,
Yet losing the kids makes him just want to die.
All his lifetime of efforts, building up trust,
Lays crumbled and broken, little more than dust.
Yet deep in his heart, in the grip of despair,
He feels a warm glow melting through this nightmare,
Be still, and know, I am God.
Be still, and know, I am God!
For I have plans for you, no matter your sin,
To ever pick you up should you fall down again.
Just let go your pride and confess your mistakes,
And I shall help you bear all your bitter heartaches.
So be still, and know, I am God.
Be still, and know, I am God!
He brushes away the tears from his eyes,
Not seeing all those blinded by sly worldly lies.
Like the man who doesn't care how he will pay for all his bills
Just as long as he gets all his daily thrills.
Or the child who stands twisted in bitter remorse
Condemning herself for her parents' divorce.
Or the grieving father who can't understand why
His beloved son had just chose to die.
So many people live as if trapped in a vault,
Bound by a culture that thrives on finding fault
And only assigns value on how well they engage
Cross Paths
When confronted by others on a superficial stage.
So centered are their thoughts on material gain,
They see any other path as simply insane.
And thus they miss the signs God sends them each day
That could lift all their burdens and light their way.
Be still, and know, I am God.
Be still, and know, I am God!
A man ponders these thoughts and discovers his gaze
Is drawn to a woman near the end of her days.
She lives now alone as the last of her clan,
Yet she's mastered her wounds and held on to God's plan.
For deep in her soul, from the time of her choice,
She's trusted His will and followed His voice,
Having run the good race and fought the good fight,
She still clings to the words that guided her right.
Be still, and know, I am God.
Be still, and know, I am God!
For I have plans for you that don't end with death,
But bring you on home once you've used your last breath.
Just live by your faith and believe in my Son,
And I'll see you through all that needs to be done.
So be still, and know, I am God.
Be still, and know, I am God!
Be still, and know, I am God.
-- Copyright July 2013, Kirby Lee Davis

My Testimony
People often ask me why I wear this cross.
I think they can see in my eyes just a bit of my loss.
Sometimes, I can't help but grieve,
For hearing my words, they don't want to believe.
Still I grasp each chance to share,
Praying this time they'll want to compare.
I've been made a laughingstock by people all around the world
For a silly bit of foolishness in my innocence I unfurled.
Threatened, beaten, burned, nearly drowned,
It's often seemed I was in death's playground.
I've faced more bodies than most soldiers I know,
And spent my life blocking out that sorrow.
I've been left bankrupt and nowhere,
Betrayed by the ones I loved.
Yet I can't shake the guilt I bear
For not being what they dreamed of.
Wounded, angry, prideful as can be,
Certain of this man on his own,
I failed every test put before me,
Thinking I could do it all alone.
Yet from all such sins and surely more than I know,
I stand redeemed by a gift long ago,
And the choice I made to give my life
To Jesus Christ, God's sacrifice.
And here's the reason why.
I love the thunder rolling across the plain,
And the drumming patter of a soft, gentle rain,
A silvery moon staring through a starry night,
And a fiery sun burning through the murky twilight.
For in the beauty of this magnificent place
I discovered joy, and Christ's wondrous grace,
And guided by parents reborn in His light,
I read God's book and gained my sight
Of all these blessings I had not observed
And His gift of salvation, so undeserved.
For light or dark, rain or shine,
I know His eyes never drift from mine.
And each day I arise with His Son,
I see God's love has just begun!
Nothing in this world compares to You, Lord!
Nothing in this world compares to You!
When anguish weighs heavy on my soul,
I seek the One who has control
And find Him ever at my side,
As both my protector and my guide!
Nothing in this world comes close to You, Lord!
Nothing compares to You!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
-- Copyright May 2013, Kirby Lee Davis
Walking This Road
I'm just walking, walking, walking this road...
I'm just walking, walking, walking this road...
I'm just taking each day one step at a time,
Keeping an eye on the things that I find.
All these stops I face don't always seem that kind,
Yet surprises abound when I open my mind
To the choices around me, right at my feet,
Placed there to help in my time of need.
Or the wonders about me, adorning my way,
Letting me know I can never stray
On this road of life God placed before me.
Yes, this road of life God made just for me.
Raising my potential, teaching new skills,
Helping me handle my daily spills
On this road of life God made just for me.
Sunshine or shadow, dry heat or rain,
Nature seems primed for pleasure and pain,
Reflecting its maker's great mystery
While framing my trail in awesome beauty.
Still the shadows about me weigh on my soul,
Hinting of dangers and unforeseen tolls
Yet in my heart His light ever shines,
Opening my eyes to His many signs
On this road of life God placed before me.
Yes, this road of life God made just for me.
Lifting my courage, wrapped in His love,
I stride forward in grace cast from above
On this road of life God made just for me.
Yet along my path I find many souls
Who choose to live by their own goals
Never learning how God's love can change a heart.
By sharing my tale along my way,
They might escape from their dismay
And seek to give themselves a brand new start!
I'm just taking each day one step at a time,
Keeping an eye on the things that I find.
All these stops I face don't always seem that kind,
Yet surprises abound when I open my mind
To the choices around me, right at my feet,
Placed there to help in my time of need.
Or the wonders about me, adorning my way,
Letting me know I can never stray
On this road of life God placed before me.
Yes, this road of life God made just for me.
Lifting my burdens, answering my prayers,
I feel Him uphold me through all of my cares
On this road of life God made just for me.
I'm just walking, walking, walking this road...
I'm just walking, walking, walking this road...
-- Copyright September 2013, Kirby Lee Davis
I fell in love with a woman. I thought she felt the same.
She decided that she didn’t, and said I was to blame.
So I let her go, but it wasn’t a show. I still feel that blow.
We cherished our two kids. They simply were the best.
But with our broken marriage, we all failed the test.
They all had their say, turned and walked away,
Leaving me to die a little more each day.
That’s life, I’m told. I should just move on. Move on.
So I do, as if I had a choice. Moving on.
It’s amazing all the things that get thrown my way.
They say not fighting back shows my feet of clay.
I don’t jump for money, so I’m just lazy prey.
And since I don’t date anyone, they’re sure I must be gay.
I let that slide. No need to hide. It won’t break my stride.
And yet I can’t deny that hole still tears my soul.
It leaves me a simple goal that daily takes its toll.
For faith to stay within this fray,
Praying time with have its sway,
Yet leaving me to die a little more each day.
That’s life, I’m told. I should just move on. Move on.
So I do, as if I had a choice. Moving on.
But it’s in Christ that I stand,
Clinging always to His hand,
Taking each day as best I can,
Sticking to His great plan.
This world may never understand,
But it’s my choice, and my brand.
That’s life, my friends. My life. Moving on. Moving on.
-- Copyright February 2015, Kirby Lee Davis
Moving On

The Paths of Faith and Despair
Sometimes I long to hide myself on some secluded strand,
Stretch my toes within the surf and watch time play its hand.
But I’ll never take that rest until my search is through.
No peaks, seas or stellar breeze will keep me away from you.
Yours is the fire that drives my heart,
With demands that tear me apart.
Yours is the love I just had to find.
Its nightmares echo through my mind.
Yours is the soul made for my own,
The deepest heartache I’ve ever known.
Yours is the loss I could not bear,
A fact that’s left me deep in despair.
Some people ask me why I bother.
They say she’s gone; I should find another.
But I’ve just got to see this through.
There’s really nothing else I can do.
Each day that passes makes me ponder
If love makes the heart grow fonder
Or does it burn out through the years?
Is that what my heart truly fears?
I walk the paths of faith and despair,
Each step a thread weaving a prayer.
I’ll never arrive until I get there,
On these paths of faith and despair.
-- Copyright February 2015, Kirby Lee Davis
Sometimes I long to spread my wings and ride the restless breeze,
Circle distant snow-bound peaks and chase the rolling seas.
But I know such wondrous joys could never strike as true
As the charge that rips through me just thinking now of you.
Long I’ve wished to pierce the night and soar among the stars,
Gaze within their chill shadows, and study all their scars.
It burns my heart to realize I’ll never walk such shores,
But I’d forsake all such dreams to hold you just once more.
Yours is the fire that drives my heart,
And the yearnings that tear me apart.
Yours is the love I had to find.
Its nightmares echo through my mind.
Yours is the soul made for my own,
The deepest heartache I’ve ever known.
Yours is the loss I could not bear,
A truth I didn’t learn ‘till it was there.
Where did you go? What did I do?
How could you leave without one clue?
Why would anyone just disappear?
How can I live without you near?

Through angry storms,
And churning seas,
Have faith, my love,
I come for thee!
Blow on, ye winds!
Scream all you please!
Know this, my love!
I come for thee!
Oh, damn this heart
That led me away!
I promise now
I'll never stray!
I heard your call
Riding the breeze!
I felt your wound!
I come for thee!
Though mountains dark
Block all I see,
I swear, my love,
I come for thee!
If shadows cold
Descend on me,
I'll break their hold
And come for thee!
Oh, precious soul
Within your breast
That gives its love
And never rests!
I heard your song
Among the trees!
I felt your need!
I come for thee!
Oh, my love! I come for thee! I come for thee!
Oh, my soul! I heard your song! I come for thee!
And when at last
Our home I see,
I'll crush your bonds
And set you free!
And nothing more
Will I ask or plea,
But that you forgive
This fool I be!
Oh, damn this heart
That took me away!
I pledge to you
I'll never stray!
I heard your call
Riding the breeze!
I felt your wound!
I come for thee!
I come for thee!
-- Copyright September 2013, Kirby Lee Davis
Siren Song
She rose up from the tide like a sailor's dream,
Tossing long black hair with a blinding sheen.
Her bouncing curves in those restless waves
Dripped a liquid sun a heart truly craves.
And so emerged a fantasy...
The kind that sets longings free!
A wistful sigh stretched across the land
As everyone who spied her wished to win her hand.
For every soul that gazed on her lines
Felt its will getting twisted by lust's spreading vines.
And so rose deep envy...
And with it their jealousy.
For in her eyes they could see real plain
That a babe like this doesn't come without pain,
And in their fire that burst like a scream,
They knew winning her love could get real mean.
Then came a blow as she peered against the sun,
Striking a pose that set all their minds on stun,
For her eyes glowed with love so grand
For a man with two kids building castles in the sand.
And so struck harsh reality!
The kind that breaks vanity!
With a surge of a supple thigh,
She strode out like a goddess none could deny
And settled down with her family,
Stirring such great joy that all could truly see
That this was where she ought to be,
Spreading her love so splendidly!
And yet this too raised jealousy...
Longing to feel as loved as she.
-- Copyright October 2013, Kirby Lee Davis