Farewell, My Friend!
Farewell my friend!
It’s sad to leave you.
Be still, my friend.
I’m on my way.
Know this, my friend.
I’ve tried to help you.
But the road that you’ve chosen leads astray.
I can not stay.
Take care, my friend!
Darkness awaits you!
Have faith, my friend.
Your life’s not through!
Breath deep, my friend.
Put doubts behind you!
Let the joy that your heart once held as true
Come forth anew!

I know your plight.
No shadows bind you.
But perils lie ever in your way!
Seek out the light!
Let love embrace you!
And His truth will help you seize each day
In every way
Farewell my friend!
My thoughts go with you!
Be strong, my friend!
This is your day!
Take heart, my friend!
My prayers uphold you!
But my God tells me to be away.
I must not stay.
It’s not too late for you to change the path you’re on.
The future never rules your day.
Stop dwelling on the past and focus on the dawn.
Let God show you a new way
To live each day!
Farewell my friend!
It’s time to leave you.
Think well, my friend.
I’ve had my say.
Join me, my friend!
Your fate’s before you.
Don’t listen to temptations to delay.
Those lures do nothing but betray!
For death bears a price you can not pay.
Choose Christ today! ...
- Words and music by Kirby Lee Davis, copyright March 2019