My Testimony
People often ask me why I wear this cross.
I think they can see in my eyes just a bit of my loss.
Sometimes, I can't help but grieve,
For hearing my words, they don't want to believe.
Still I grasp each chance to share,
Praying this time they'll want to compare.
I've been made a laughingstock by people all around the world
For a silly bit of foolishness in my innocence I unfurled.
Threatened, beaten, burned, nearly drowned,
It's often seemed I was in death's playground.
I've faced more bodies than most soldiers I know,
And spent my life blocking out that sorrow.
I've been left bankrupt and nowhere,
Betrayed by the ones I loved.
Yet I can't shake the guilt I bear
For not being what they dreamed of.
Wounded, angry, prideful as can be,
Certain of this man on his own,
I failed every test put before me,
Thinking I could do it all alone.
Yet from all such sins and surely more than I know,
I stand redeemed by a gift long ago,
And the choice I made to give my life
To Jesus Christ, God's sacrifice.
And here's the reason why.
And here's the reason why.

I love the thunder rolling across the plain,
And the drumming patter of a soft, gentle rain,
A silvery moon staring through a starry night,
And a fiery sun burning through the murky twilight.
For in the beauty of this magnificent place
I discovered joy, and Christ's wondrous grace,
And guided by parents reborn in His light,
I read God's book and gained my sight
Of all these blessings I had not observed
And His gift of salvation, so undeserved.
For light or dark, rain or shine,
I know His eyes never drift from mine.
And each day I arise with His Son,
I see God's love has just begun!
Nothing in this world compares to You, Lord!
Nothing in this world compares to You!
When anguish weighs heavy on my soul,
I seek the One who has control
And find Him ever at my side,
As both my protector and my guide!
Nothing in this world comes close to You, Lord!
Nothing compares to You!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!...
-- Words and music copyright May 2013, Kirby Lee Davis