What's new!

Dec. 20, 2024 -- See the note in the center of this Facebook graphic? It identifies what to expect in early 2025: the two-volume The World As I See It. These full-color hardcovers will combine the best of my photos with the best of my lyrics and poems... to date, of course! The third book in The Jonah Cycle will follow, along with Book Four! I don't know if we'll see all of these in 2025, but it's possible! Book Three, Faith, requires a bit of rewriting, but the finale, Crimson Destiny, is nearly finished! And within that work schedule, I just might start a series of author appearances across the United States! That's the plan, anyway. Thank you for supporting me all these years! I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Oct. 25, 2024 -- A change of plan! The new second edition of A Year in the Life of God's Furry Angels hit Amazon's shelves with dozens of illustrations by talented artist and close friend Nancy Edwards Clay! This paperback edition of this parallel novel (blue cover) boasts black and white drawings, while the hardcover (crimson) is full color!
June 1, 2024 -- The long-awaited second edition of A Year in the Life of God's Furry Angels will soon hit Amazon's shelves! This parallel novel shares new looks at events before, during, and after those in its beloved sourcebook. The new edition will boast several illustrations by a talented artist, my friend Nancy Edwards Clay, along with dozens of my photos, graphics, and cartoons.

March 29, 2024 -- I’m preparing a travel bag of hardcovers for meeting with readers! I can keep the paperbacks in the car trunk, but the hardcovers don’t adapt as well to occasional heat.
Note: the top and bottom selections involve furry angels! Indeed, the bottom one IS God’s Furry Angels! To be fair, the middle ones also include such angels, but they’re not in the titles.
March 9, 2024 -- While editing advances on Faith, I now expect its publication may be summer or early fall, which could make Crimson Destiny a Christmas 2024 or Easter '25 release.

Feb. 29, 2024 -- This afternoon I squeezed in more editing time for this novel, book three (of four) in The Jonah Cycle. It's been difficult, with several client projects hitting deadlines over the last two months. I had hoped to get "Faith" out before Easter, but now the summer looks promising. Over the last two weeks, God has reminded me just how deeply this manuscript must probe our beliefs. My last edits amazed me at just how close the first drafts came to achieving that goal. This novel may be the most important work I've written, considering our times today and the direction world cultures pursue. In its heart and zeal, "Faith" reminds me of "Perelandra" ....
Jan. 8, 2024 -- With the holidays over, I’m back into editing the third book in The Jonah Cycle. This novel takes readers forward 20 years from the siege of Samaria to see Assyrian troops plundering the Old Testament nation of Judah. The thrilling love story and marriage that blossomed in Lions of Judah will endure tests of faith few people today could dare imagine... which points to the title. Just for the fun of it, I may share some social media contests as I update Instagram and Facebook audiences on my progress through this nail-biter. And if you wondered about the delay, here's what I did during the holidays!
Oct. 26, 2023 -- Success! For the first time in four-plus tries (I forgot exactly how many it's been), I had guests at my "Meet the writer!" session! Please forgive me this landscape photo, but it does give you an idea of being inside the new Pinocchio’s of Norman (for those of my OU friends who haven't made it there yet) while introducing you to my longtime friends and readers Nancy Edwards Clay and James Kenderdine. We talked of books, history, friendship, and Christ for just over two hours. And I got to again taste the pizza that got me through my first four years at the University of Football (Oklahoma)! It was a wonderful time! For the curious, my next writer gathering might be next month in the Branson, Missouri area... indeed, there might be two!

Sept. 20, 2023 -- The annotated edition of The Road to Renewal is out! Click on the How to Order button to find it!
Aug. 21, 2023 -- A friend asked just what was going on with my books, so here's an update in static graphic form! Later I'll turn this into a video!
July 19, 2023 -- We have two advancing projects to fill out 2023. First up, you'll see an annotated hardcover edition of The Road to Renewal. This 320-page wonder features 90 pages of new background material. These “Behind the Scenes” additions reset the novel's 1990s stage to explain The Road to Renewal setting along with a multitude of backdrops and props. This edition also features essays on my writing strategies, tactics, and theology. It will debut this fall! Also under development is Faith, Book Three in The Jonah Cycle. While this could make it in time for the Christmas season, we're projecting Easter 2024!

Feb. 5, 2023 -- One down, one to go! The hardcover edition of The Prophet and the Dove is live at Amazon.com! In addition to the novel, afterward, and glossary, this edition includes a 57-page study guide for individual or small-group usage. The guide breaks down each chapter by its biblical and historical roots, evaluates key plot elements, and poses discussion questions. ​In this way the novel and guide combine to serve as a Bible study, a Sunday school lesson series, or a package of devotionals. You may find this edition at Amazon.com or our "How to Order" page.
As for Lions of Judah, the novel is undergoing its final evaluation. It should be released by the end of the month!
Feb. 1, 2023 -- Look at what arrived in the mail! That's a hardcover, in case you can't tell. And if you don't recognize what else is different, look just under the title. The series logo also is in a new space here, but that probably will change. Overall this proof is in great shape, so it may not take long at all to get this new edition on the market. This will complete a project three years in the making, although to be honest, I expect the study guide to go through continued improvements as more small groups and individuals put it to use.
Meanwhile, the final edits to Lions of Judah are being made while the above hardcover advances. They should both hit the market before Easter!

Oct. 23, 2022 -- This comes with a lot of answered prayers! Last year I finished the first edit of this novel, identifying several things I needed to fix. Praying for solutions, I tackled preparations for the 40th-anniversary edition of The Spawn of Fashan. Its surprising success led me to move all my books to Amazon, which directed me into second editions of God's Furry Angels and The Road to Renewal, plus new e-book editions, that beloved GFA hardcover, and the upcoming annotated hardcover of R2R! During all that, I received inspirations that addressed all the problems I had with Lions of Judah -- and TODAY, finally, I completed that second edit! Hurray! Now, as I comb through the book to update the appendix, the third edit should flow into the proof copies and retail release!
July 27, 2022 -- For those who didn't know, Fashan Books has released new editions of the Kirby Lee Davis novels God's Furry Angels and The Road to Renewal. "This should solve distribution and pricing concerns we've suffered since their original release four years ago," said Davis. "This move also allowed us to finally offer God's Furry Angels in a large, full-color hardcover, pretty much as we originally intended."
You may read the whole thing here.

Feb. 27, 2022 -- Fashan Books began a dynamic change in the distribution of our books! With our success on Amazon, we canceled our other printing arrangements to focus on the giant retailer's global platform. A new second-edition of God's Furry Angels made its print debut Feb. 27 with a cleaner layout and lower price. The ebook soon followed. A second edition of The Road to Renewal came out later that spring, along with a full-color hardcover of God's Furry Angels. We now will focus on the second book in The Jonah Cycle, Lions of Judah.
Sept. 9, 2021 -- The Spawn of Fashan: 40th Anniversary Edition was released on Amazon.com. In the USA, the paperback ranked #312 on its first Fantasy Gaming book sales list. It then went downhill, closing its first week at #1,080. But with its first day on Amazon Japan, the book hit #1 on both the Foreign Language Fantasy Gaming book sales and wish lists. After several days in the first or second position, the paperback ended its first week at #20 on the sales chart, #3 on that wish list, and #21 on the overall SF/fantasy book wish list! Spawn ended its second week at #50 on the Foreign Language Fantasy Gaming sales list, but remained in the top 10 on the Foreign Language Fantasy Gaming wish list, at #8. This second week marked when Amazon integrated corrective Day 2 tweaks to the published edition, which promises to turn all those first-week sales into collector items. Writer Kousaku Akano also started work that second week on a Japanese translation for those who purchase copies; that may account for another surge in sales, lifting Spawn to #4 on Amazon Japan's Foreign Language Fantasy Gaming sales list. .

Feb. 16, 2021 -- I just finished the first thorough edit of Lions of Judah, my sequel to The Prophet and the Dove. It took longer than I anticipated, at times stretching my patience. I expect a few more passes will follow, but hopefully these will proceed well. Perhaps it will debut around Easter…. or else I may jump to Book Four. Interesting, huh?
June 28, 2020 -- This is just about done... check it out for yourself!