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One Hope

Day after day

I sputter away

A failure at all that I’ve tried

Lost and alone

I’ve tried to atone

For choices that buckled my pride 

Wishing to see

What life could be

If I could lose this pain i hide

I’ve found one hope  

A new way to cope   

With life’s unforgiving tide

I need you, Lord!

I call you Lord!

I want you, Lord, in my life!

I turn away

From life’s ballet

And look to you for my life!



I’ve felt a hole

A void in my soul

A darkness I can not erase

It seeks control 

Of my every goal

Maiming what it cannot embrace

It suffers one fear

A light ever near

A faith created by grace

That sacrifice

Will ever suffice

Seeing me through this great race    

I love you, Lord!

You are my Lord!

Please take hold of my life!

I kneel and pray

For this today!

Lord, I give you my life!


Patience and kindness, Christ brings me these things 

Goodness and faithfulness He gives with no strings 

Peace, joy and love thrive under His wings

What more could I ever need?

What more could I ever need?  

How about forgiveness, and His mercy?  

All that and grace! 

Christ’s enduring grace! 

The greatest gift of all!

His grace!


My worldly gains

Are now empty chains!

I ask you, Lord, into my life!

I say this now,

My solemn vow

I give you all of my life!

I love you, Lord! 

You are my Lord!

Please take control of my life!

I kneel and pray

For this today!

Lord, I give you my life!

Lord, I give you my life, my life, oh yeah!  

Lord, I give you my life!

— Words and music by Kirby Lee Davis, copyright October 2019


All text, photos, artwork, and layouts

by Kirby Lee Davis


Copyright © 2025 Kirby Lee Davis

All Rights Reserved.


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Facebook links:

Kirby Lee Davis author page

The God's Furry Angels series 


Instagram: KirbyLeeDavis


YouTube: Kirby Lee Davis


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Kirby Lee Davis is a Christian author, singer/songwriter, photographer, historian, graphic designer, website builder, comic... have I forgotten anything?

His books include the beloved God's Furry Angels and A Year in the Life of God's Furry Angels;

the comedy-drama The Road to Renewal; 

the four novels of The Jonah Cycle: The Prophet and the Dove, Lions of Judah, Faith, and Crimson Destiny;

the 40th-anniversary edition of The Spawn of Fashan roleplaying game rulebook;

and others.

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