Another day ended, another night begun.
So much accomplished, yet so much left undone.
Counting all the steps it takes to reach for your dreams.
Drawing ever closer, yet not as close as it seems.
You feel so empty. You can’t hide it from my eyes.
Your heart’s near broken. I can hear it in your sighs.
You fear you lack the strength to fight another day,
Yet you fear if you stop, all you love will fade away.
So come into my arms and rest your wounded pride.
Let me take your doubts and cast them far and wide.
On this cold dark night, put your mind at ease.
Take comfort in our love, and let your soul find peace.
Don’t let it worry you should you fail or succeed.
Have faith in our love! That’s all we’ll ever need.
Whatever happens, I will never leave your side.
Believe me when I say, I will never leave your side!
So come into my arms and rest your weary pride.
Let me take your doubts and cast them far and wide.
And on this cold dark night, put your mind at ease.
Take comfort in our love, and let your soul find peace.
Let your soul find peace!
-- Words and music copyright August 2015,
Kirby Lee Davis