Prayer of the Prodigal's Father
Another holiday passes in this empty home,
Awaiting a phone call that never comes,
Putting away things for a visit
Dreamed of but never realized.
The cake mix can wait, though the eggs need scrambling.
The ice cream and milk, I’ll give to the orphans.
But the longing for stories, all my unmet hopes and prayers,
Those will prove far harder to put back on hold.
Oh, Jesus, I understand how You continue to love
When the ones You cherish cast You aside.
But I don’t know how You live with the pain that builds
Every day... every breath... in their absence.
I appreciate the cross.
I give thanks for Your gift.
But I don’t know how You take it, day by day, hour by hour.
I hope my kids are happy in the lives that they’ve chosen,
Healthy body and soul, with families they adore.
I pray that they know You, and walk daily at Your side.
But I can’t help wishing that I could be there,
That I could hold them, tell them how much I love them.
But I’ll wait, as You do, for them to change their hearts.
I’ll wait.
Yes, I’ll wait.
Only death will stop my wait.
Just give me the strength, Lord, please give me the strength.
For I know I’ll never make it through this without You.
— words and music copyright
December 2012, Kirby Lee Davis