The author...
Kirby Lee Davis is an award-winning journalist, photographer, and graphic designer... or at least he was, for more than 40 years, until his longtime newspaper office closed in 2015. That spurred Davis to focus on his books.

You see, all of his life Davis had followed his dream to write Christian novels.
This was his chance, and ministry.
This 1982 University of Oklahoma graduate has a long history with self-publishing. Through an entertaining two-year adventure, Davis released his now-legendary The Spawn of Fashan roleplaying game rulebook while a junior in OU's journalism school. This entrepreneurial effort prepared him for breaking into the professional ranks. With a recession making newspaper jobs scarce, the new graduate used his side job – managing a movie theater – to write and syndicate film reviews to eight different Oklahoma publications. With those articles building his clip file, one newspaper soon hired Davis as its city beat reporter. This started a 33-year run in which his byline appeared in multiple newspapers, magazines, wire services, newsletters, and websites. He won countless awards, and his article chronicling the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing ran worldwide on the Associated Press wire.
In his spare time Davis:
Wrote a series of novels (at one time he plotted how to create his own publishing house to produce his books).
Developed several tabletop games.
Played the lead in a one-act play penned by his hand.
Performed his own songs in several benefit concerts that he organized and hosted.
Served several nonprofit organizations.
Mentored many young professionals.
Within his books, games, and lyrics, you'll see the influence of Jesus Christ, the Beatles, C.S. Lewis, Bugs Bunny, Mr. Spock, Bill Watterson, Robert Frost, Groucho, Monty Python's Flying Circus, and countless other forces.
God's Furry Angels and its companion book, A Year in the Lives of God's Furry Angels, became his first published novels. Released in 2018 under the Fashan Books brand (well, technically the ebook for GFA came out in late 2017, but that’s another subject), both feature his prose and photos. Davis often compares his next novel, The Road to Renewal, to To Kill a Mockingbird... ask him why when you have a moment. His following book, The Prophet and the Dove, launched The Jonah Cycle, the first novel series of his professional career. Unrolling that sequence – and a promised update to The Spawn of Fashan roleplaying game platform – should occupy his waking hours for the next few years, unless Davis gets pulled into another God's Furry Angels annual or a musical. Stay tuned.